MARPOL – Introduction


Adoption of Convention : 2nd Nov 1973.

Modification by 1978 Protocol : 1978,in response to a string of tanker accidents in 1976-1977.

Entry into force (the combined instrument): 2nd  October 1983.


There are six MARPOL annexes,namely:

Annex I :  Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil(entered into force 2 October 1983).

Annex II :  Regulations for the Control of  Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk(entered into force 2 October 1983).

Annex III : Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form(entered into force 1 July 1992).

Annex IV : Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships(entered into force 27 September 2003). 

Annex V : Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships(entered into force 31 December 1988). 

Annex VI : Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (entered into force 19 May 2005).

Special Areas

Sea areas which are sensitive in nature owing to their oceanographic and ecological condition or due to the particular character of traffic.

These areas are protected by enhanced  regulatory measures.

Special areas for different Annexes are not necessarily be the same.

-the end.

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